Gola Size
Top Channel:
Gola Channel Height: 2-¼" (57.5mm)
Gola Gap Height: 1-3/8" (35.5 mm)
Middle Channel:
Gola Channel Height: 2-15/16" (74 mm)
Gola Gap Height: 1-3/8" (35 mm)
Gola top channel height & Gap height
Gola middle channel height & Gap height
Wood flat gola can only pair with Bevel door or Syma 2 top door profile
Wood flat Gola with Bevel Door
Wood flat Gola with Syma 2 top
Wood flat gola only available with the cabinet that all fronts have gola on top (eg: NOT available for B2W_1GOLA, B3W_2GOLA_C )